Monday, September 14, 2020

September 11, 2001


On September 11, thirty-thousand

beautiful children lost their lives

due to curable diseases

before reaching the age of five years.*


Thirty-thousand beautiful children

will never know what it meant

to love or to be loved,

or to care for their own children.


Thirty-thousand beautiful children

will never have the opportunity

to build hospitals, homes, or universities,

or to perform in the arts.


Sixty-thousand parents will never

see their beautiful children

grow to maturity, and the lives of

these parents were transformed as a result.


By the end of the week

more children would die

than the number of people incinerated

in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.




Also on September 11, four aircraft

were hijacked and crashed into the

World Trade Center, the Pentagon

and into a field in Western Pennsylvania.


Three-thousand people needlessly perished.

Yet we do not know who committed this crime,

or the reason why these murders took place.

Yet, the US government decided to take revenge.


So, the President, the Congress, and the Senate

voted unanimously to spend forty billion dollars.

But this money will not be used to save the lives

of the thirty-thousand beautiful children who die every day.


No, this forty billion dollars will be used

to murder some of the children 

who are at risk of perishing.

And they called this plan Infinite Justice.


Airline workers did not commit this crime,

but the government decided

to give the airline companies $15 billion

because they eliminated forty-thousand jobs.


The President said he was saddened

by the deaths of so many.

So, he advised people to mourn

by going to Disney World and spending money.


But for thirty million people

who live in hunger in the United States,

the $40 admission charge

to Disney World might be a bit high. 




On September 23, thirteen coal miners

were killed at the Jim Walter Resources

Blue Creek Mine Number 5 in Brookwood, Alabama.

The miners warned the company of dangerous conditions.


While the people responsible for these murders

are known, no charges have been filed.

Yet, the government has gone to war in Afghanistan.

They say they need to fight against terrorism.




Responding to the events of September 11,

Fidel Castro gave a speech

at a ceremony which marked the completion

of a school for elementary school teachers.


After Cuba experienced its most difficult

economic years, it found the money for this school.

Yet, public school systems throughout the US

are under-funded after that economy experienced its best years.


Fidel said that Cuba would not join the United States

in its war against the people of Afghanistan.

Apparently, the Cuban people

have better things to do with their time and money.

* This fact comes from the Human Development Report 2000 issued by the United Nations which states on page 8 “Poverty eradication is not only a development goal­—it is a central challenge for human rights in the 21st century.  The torture of a single individual rightly raises public outrage.  Yet the deaths of more than 30,000 children every day from mainly preventable causes go unnoticed.  Why?  Because these children are invisible in poverty.”


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