Saturday, August 6, 2022



We are all born into the world

and take our first breadth of air.

Then we discover that 

we need more things besides air.

We need food, clothing, a home, and health care.

Eventually we learn that the people who have power

are indifferent to all of that.

Their goal is to make outrageous amounts of money.

They tell us exactly what we need to do

for every minute we work for them.

But they aren’t satisfied with this.

They are determined to control the entire world.

So, the United States went to war 

against the people of the Philippines. 

Then they took control of Hawaii

for the Dole pineapple company. 

However, the affluent people in Japan

also wanted control over that area of the world.

They invaded China and murdered millions.

They took Malaya and Vietnam away from Britain and France.

Since the power brokers in this country also wanted that land,

they stopped U.S. oil shipments to Japan.
This was a clear act of war 

that the U.S. government would never have tolerated.

The Japanese responded to that act of war

by bombing the United States naval base in Hawaii. 

President Roosevelt declared how the day of this bombing

would live in infamy.  

Years later, a book was published titled “Years of infamy.”

This was the story of how 120,000 Japanese citizens 

of this country were forced to live

in concentration camps for years.

After the Japanese were effectively defeated,

General Curtis LeMay organized the 

fire-bombing campaign of Japan.

Large sections of 67 Japanese cities were burned to the ground. 

LeMay understood that Japanese 

civilian homes were made of wood.

He deliberately calculated the direction of the wind,

so the phosphorous fire-bombs would have their maximum effect.

Hundreds of thousands of Japanese men, women, and children 

died of smoke inhalation or were burned to death.

Now, the Japanese were certainly defeated,

but the U.S. Air Force wasn’t finished.

The United States government was in a hurry to end the war.

They didn’t want Russia to enter that war

because that would complicate their goal

of world domination.

They had just completed a meeting of 44 nations

in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

There the United States government informed those gathered

that they would be the new super-power of the world.

So, after fire-bombing 67 Japanese cities,

General LeMay ordered pilots of a B52 bomber

to murder the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

with atomic bombs.

A few years after Japan surrendered,

The U.S. Aire Force went on another bombing campaign 

against the people of Korea.

Then, the bombs rained down on the people of Vietnam.

General Curtis LeMay said that he wanted to

“Bomb Vietnam back into the stone age.”

But after years of horrendous war,

the Vietnamese people decisively defeated the invasion of their country.

Today the United States government invests about $800 billion on the military.

That money maintains about 3,000 atomic bombs.

When we look at what this government has done in the past,

I believe that we absolutely need to take the power out of their hands.

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