Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Women and the Liberation of Humanity


They played a crucial part in every

human advance in the history of the world.

Yet, the media routinely portrays them

as sexual objects, who need the protection of men.

They have given birth to every

human being in the history of the world,

Yet politicians argue that they should not

have the right to decide if and when to become mothers.

Their inner beauty has inspired

humanity all over the world.

Yet, advertisers invest billions of dollars

in an attempt to make women feel insecure about their appearance.

Yes, corporations are driven to take

trillions of dollars from women

who purchase jewelry, cosmetics, mascara,

and extravagantly expensive clothing.

For all their many contributions,

the emotional and physical abuse of women

is a continuing fact of life

in the world today.

So, while women only receive

70% of the wages of men,

the most affluent people living in the world,

have more money than they could use in 100 lifetimes.

Then, there are governments that argue

that we need to go to war

and destroy entire nations,

so they can pretend to defend democracy in the world.

Some of those who make these arguments

happen to be women.

Yes, there are affluent women in the government,

and on the boards of corporations.

So, now you might have an idea why there are many women

who don’t like this situation.

Now you might understand why   

there are women dedicated to changing this relationship.

There was Mother Jones

who organized the movement

to end child labor

for all time.

There was Ida Wells,

who organized to stop the murder

or lynching of people

who happened to have a dark skin color.

There was Celia Sanchez

who helped organize the Cuban Revolution,

so all the Cuban people will have their own government,

with the right to education and health care.

Yes, women represent a potentially

explosive force in the world today.

Sooner or later women will unleash that power,

and the world will learn the true beauty of half of the human race.

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