Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ceasefire Now!!!


A beautiful baby was born in the Gaza Strip.

Her parents named her Azisa or precious. 

They looked at their wonderful child 

and thought about the difficult life she would lead.

Ceasefire Now!!!

There were times when Azisa would cry.

There wasn’t enough food for her 

because she lived in an occupied territory.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Then, the Israeli government considered Azisa a blade of grass, 

and said they needed to “mow the lawn”

They did this with bombing raids they called Protective Edge and Cast Lead.

Ceasefire Now!!!

So, Azisa saw her friends, neighbors, or relatives 

injured or murdered because the Israeli government claimed 

they needed to “mow the lawn.”

Ceasefire Now!!!

Then she saw her friends, neighbors, and relatives 

arrested by the Israeli government 

and serve long sentences in prison.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Because Palestinians live in an occupied territory, 

the Israeli government can do what it wants.

Palestinians living in these territories aren’t allowed to vote in Israeli elections.

Ceasefire Now!!!

But Azisa became a young woman.

She studied diligently 

and earned a degree from a Palestinian university.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Then she learned why her parents were concerned about her future.

Like most Palestinians, she couldn’t find a job 

and didn’t have the means to raise a family.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Her life was a constant struggle 

to find clean water and food.

She didn’t have the right to travel.

Ceasefire Now!!!

So, Azisa participated in a peaceful demonstration 

at the wall that separates Israel from Gaza.

She demanded the right to return to her homeland in Israel.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Israeli snipers murdered peaceful demonstrators.

Then the snipers aimed their rifles at the legs of protesters 

and crippled those Palestinians for life.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Then the organization Hamas made a horrendous mistake.

On October 7 they murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians 

and took hundreds of hostages. 

Ceasefire Now!!!

Then the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant 

called this beautiful young Azisa an “animal.”

Although she didn’t participate in the October 7 raid, she would be punished.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Even animals need food and water to live.

Yoav Gallant said that Palestinians 

would be denied food and water.

Ceasefire Now!!!

The Israeli Defense Force told Palestinians 

who lived in the north of Gaza to move south.

Then the IDF murdered Palestinians in the north and south

Ceasefire Now!!!

Israeli authorities worked diligently 

to prevent food from reaching 

starving Palestinians.

Ceasefire Now!!!

President Joe Biden increased the U.S. aid to Israel 

from 3.8 billion to 14 billion.

He did this in an attempt to murder beautiful young Azisa.

Ceasefire Now!!!

Somehow Azisa managed to survive.

She has already experienced the unimaginable.

But somehow, in the back of her mind she imagines how a better world is possible.

Ceasefire Now!!!

The world witnessed all of this.

Millions of people from every part of the globe 

came out into the streets and demanded,

Ceasefire Now!!!

The South African people experienced the horrors of apartheid.

Their government accused Israel of genocide 

before the International Court of Justice.

Ceasefire Now!!!

We forced the government to get rid of Jim Crow segregation.

We forced the government to get the armed forces out of Vietnam.

We forced the government to end apartheid in South Africa, and today we demand 

Ceasefire Now!!!

Because we believe that every Palestinian 

should have the right to the 

respect and dignity they have always deserved.

Ceasefire Now!!!

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